Have you ever wondered how some nonprofits (and other grant-eligible organizations) are awarded so many grants?
You know EXACTLY who I’m talking about…
They’re bringing in dozens of grants every year and always seem to be finding new grants to apply for. They’re confident that most of the grant applications they submit are going to be awarded.
I want to help you become THAT NONPROFIT.
That’s why I created a brand-new workbook bundle that will help you get started with grants quickly and successfully.

Here’s what you’ll get:
- The Grant Readiness Intensive workbook ($25 when purchased separately)
Learn how to get your organization grant ready, legally, financially, and capacity-wise.
- The How to Find Grants workbook ($21 when purchased separately)
Learn how to find and evaluate grant opportunities so that you’re only applying for ones you are likely to be successful with.
- The Ultimate Strategic Planning workbook ($20 when purchased separately)
Create a strategic plan for your organization that sets big goals but then also helps you accomplish them!
- The Introduction to Grant Writing for Nonprofits workbook ($22 when purchased separately)
Learn the writing strategies of successful grant narratives, including the organizational history and mission statement, statement of need, program design, program budget, and LOI. (Oh, and actually use the workbook prompts to craft your own narrative!)
Right now, this entire workbook bundle is only $37.
As you can see, purchasing any two of these workbooks separately would cost more than the price of this entire bundle.*
Ready to start your journey to grant writing success?

We also want you to see what some of our GWME students say about our courses, which include these workbooks:
“Our organization was just awarded a $50,000 international grant. . . I was complimented this year on writing an excellent grant. I did lean heavily into all that I learned from taking your Grant Writing Made Easy online course. . . Thank you for the guidance I received through your course. I found it both practical and inspiring!”
-Candice, GWME Member
“I’ve taken the full grant writing masterclass and my grant award percent is over 80%. One of the most important things I learned was to go after the grants targeting the area our nonprofit focuses on, youth education. Don’t create new programs just to chase a grant.”
-Henry David, GWME Member
“I absolutely loved the workbook, and I keep it on my desktop on my computer for reference. I loved the map template that you included so that grant writers can map out their nonprofit’s geographic scope, interest area(s), target population, etc.! I use that all the time for my grant searching.
Through your workbook, I also found Instrumentl which I love and the nonprofit I work for subscribes to it now!!! I have found so many amazing grant opportunities through Instrumentl, thanks to your workbook. 🙂
Thank you for all that you do, I truly enjoy your resources and try to read the posts on your blog almost every morning before I get into my grant writing work for the day.”
-Leah Jahn, GWME member
“I am in love with Grant Writing Made Easy. I love the self-paced curriculum. I am not at the writing level of many of the course’s average users but the materials are arranged and explained in such a way that I can see a path to achieving that level of consistency and success in my grant writing.
I have had successes since signing up for the course but I am striving to achieve for our organization a more solid donor base. I have written before but I did not have to be as flexible in my descriptions and the subject-matter. Before signing up for Grant Writing Made Easy I had not considered writing as a profession.
We have had several successes since taking the course. These were mostly for Covid-19 related funding and not for multi-year grants from the larger community foundations like we are targeting locally.
Even if you are an excellent writer, Grant Writing Made Easy is still a must-have for your grant writing toolkit.”
-Fallon, GWME Member
Thanks for taking the time to read all the way through this post.
I hope you’ll take advantage of this workbook bundle. I want to see you have the same success that these writers have had!

All my best,
*This offer/discount cannot be applied retroactively to completed purchases.